034 228 6811 info@wijayaagri.com

Powerful Medicinal Properties

Contains highly powerful medicinal properties used to treat conditions such as arthritis, sore throats, and coughing. 


Loaded with Antioxidants

Cinnamon contains highly potent antioxidants which are beneficial to maintaining a healthy body. 

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Cinnamon aids in helping your body fight off infections and repair tissue damage as well as reduce the risk of catching certain diseases. 



Cinnamon – The Age-Old Spice!

Cinnamon comes in powder form as well as pieces of bark from the tree. Ceylon Cinnamon is used as a traditional medicine around the world dating back thousands of years. Cinnamon is not only used in cooking but is also a widely used ingredient in baking due to its unique aroma and flavor. 

Disease Fighting Properties

Cinnamon is known to help with many diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, infection, tooth decay, and even allergies. The presence of antioxidants, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory properties in cinnamon helps to maintain a healthy body. Consuming normal amounts of Cinnamon can be beneficial to health, however, consuming too much of cinnamon may have adverse effects. 

Cinnamon for Healthy Skin! 

Cinnamon is used for many at-home skincare routines. It is used for acne and to reduce signs of ageing due to its anti-inflammatory and bacteria-killing properties as well as its ability to increase collagen production. 

Popular Cinnamon Dishes

Curry is the most commonly found dish in Sri Lanka and adding a stick or two of cinnamon is always the norm. Cinnamon when added to curries gives out a savory taste and a wonderful aroma. Cinnamon is also the main ingredient in many popular dishes and drinks such as cinnamon rolls, cinnamon bread, and cinnamon tea to name a few. 




Powerful Medicinal Properties

Loaded with Antioxidants

Anti-Inflammatory Properties