034 228 6811 info@wijayaagri.com

Manage Blood Pressure

Undu can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure from hypertension. Black seeds are great in fiber, saponins, carbohydrates, proteins.

Prevent Cancers

Undu has a huge capacity to fight with cancer cells and prevent cancers from the body and Undu contains compounds to prevent tumors.

Reduce Risk of Diabetics

Undu has a major effect of fighting over Diabetics and prevents getting any of the damage to cells. Undu can cut down the high sugar levels of the blood.

Black Gram

Undu is an important grain legume in the rain-fed farming system in dry zones of Sri Lanka. Black Gram is grown under low moisture and fertility conditions. It also has high nutritional values and consists of high proteins, vitamins, and minerals. 

Another surprising health benefit of Undu is its increased ability to boost energy, protect cardiovascular health, reduce pain and inflammation, improve immunity, aid in maintaining skin health, manage diabetes, build strong bones, strengthen the nervous system, and optimize digestion.

Just like the other varieties of beans, Undu is very rich in fiber which helps to remedy gastrointestinal issues. Dietary fibers in black beans can reduce symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and cramping as well as other serious health concerns in your gut.

The fiber that is found in black gram helps optimize nutrient absorption ensuring that you get the most out of your meals. The high levels of iron found in Undu make it ideal to boost energy and increase vitality. Iron is a key element in the production of red blood cells which can increase oxygenated blood flow to the organs. This increased energy. Iron is also a rich source in preventing anemia related symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and cognitive weakness. 

Since Fiber is a vital component in the daily diet it is recommended that Undu is consumed by people dealing with diabetes and are at high risk of developing the disorder. Fiber is also very effective in regulating the intake of nutrients in the gut thereby balancing the levels of insulin and glucose in the blood. 

Curry Leaves



Manage Blood Pressure

Prevent Cancers

Reduce Risk of Diabetics