Lower Blood Pressure
Cancer Fighting
Treat Infections
Cumin is made from the seeds of the Cuminum Cyminum Plant. Cumin has quite a strong flavor so a small amount of cumin is enough to provide a powerful punch when added to food. Both cumin seeds and essential oils contain important nutrients that can help you keep healthy. Cumin lends its distinctive flavor to chillies and various other Sri Lankan curries. Its flavor has been described as earthy, nutty, spicy and warm.Cumin has many evidence-based health benefits. Some of these have been known since ancient times, while others are only just being discovered.
Using cumin as a spice increases antioxidant intake, promotes digestion, provides iron, may improve blood sugar control and may reduce food-borne illnesses. The most common traditional use for cumin is for indigestion as it increases the activity of digestive enzymes, potentially speeding up digestion. Cumin also increases the release of bile from the liver. Bile helps digest fats and certain nutrients in your gut.
Cumin seeds are naturally rich in iron and aids young children to support growth and yound women to lose blood loss during menstruation. Cumin is also taken as supplements to help promote weight loss and to control cholesterol. Several components of cumin reduce the growth of food born bacteria and certain kinds of infectious fungi.When digested, cumin releases a component called megalomicin, which has antibiotic properties.